
Teachers strike at Nottingham school due to staffing problems

Teachers strike at Nottingham school due to staffing problems

Image description, The National Education Union expressed its “hope” that an agreement could be reached with the trust that runs the school.

  • Author, Tom Oakley
  • Role, BBC News, Nottingham

Teachers at a secondary school in Nottingham are facing a strike over “damaging” staffing problems.

Members of the National Education Union (NEU) at Trinity Catholic School in Aspley will strike on Wednesday and Thursday.

According to the union, ten teachers will leave the school at the end of the year and will not be replaced.

The school’s sponsor said it was working to “find a solution and try to avoid strike action.”

Teachers are “very concerned” about the impact the changes would have on students, NEU said in a statement.

It said the proposals by Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi Academy Trust, which runs the school, could have “longer-term harmful effects” on the children.


The trust said it was facing “significant financial pressure” due to “chronic underfunding of schools”.

James McGeachie, chief executive of the trust, said: “It is disappointing that they have decided to go on strike, but we fully understand that the significant financial pressures on the school have led to changes which will impact class sizes.”

“About 10 percent of classes will have an average of one to two students added to their class size. The rest will remain unchanged.”

“Some staff also fear that their workload will increase as a result of the changes, but the school has introduced a number of workload reduction measures to compensate for this.”

According to the union, the school will be hiring additional support staff, but class teachers are also needed if “outcomes for young people are to be maintained.”

Sheena Wheatley of Nottingham NEU said the union was “determined to resolve the outcome”.


“The members of Trinity School in Nottingham are determined to stand up and do whatever it takes to protect their school,” she said.

“They simply ask that the Trust recognise that such staff cuts will not help us deliver the level of service expected by our members and thus best serve this community.

“We remain hopeful that the trust will make an offer to staff and try to resolve the matter. However, they have decided to do this very late in order to avert a strike.”

In addition to strikes, there could also be industrial action lasting several days next season, warned NEU.

A NEU statement added: “These changes could have a negative long-term impact on the children of Trinity and they should not have to suffer as a result of these changes.”

“Staff have come to terms with the reduction in planning and preparation time and some out-of-field teaching is required to balance the books.

“(But) they are not happy with the overall number of teachers who will not be replaced this year and the speed at which these changes are being implemented.”

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