
Fans of The Boys must watch this Netflix series

Fans of The Boys must watch this Netflix series


  • Supacell is a new, diverse superhero series about normal people who gain superpowers and deal with their new abilities.
  • The series focuses on black Britons facing social problems such as sickle cell anemia, and in doing so it subverts the expectations of the genre.
  • Supacell’s success is based on focusing on real-world issues and using fantastical elements to tell the story.

Prime Video The young is unique. After all, there is no other show about the corporate-sponsored celebrity superheroes who are the de facto leaders of the country and the gang of men and women trying to stop them. But recently there was a show that The young‘ theme of superheroes. Of course, this is not unusual. Many shows have given their interpretation of what people with superpowers can do and what people without superpowers will do against them. However, it is unusual for a show to spread those superpowers across a gaggle of people, both good and evil and somewhere in between, but that is exactly what it is NetflixSupacell has done.

The first season of Supacell introduces us to five ordinary people in South London who suddenly have superpowers. They must figure out how to control them and what they want to do with these powers, and they must figure it out fast, because there is a mysterious gang of people who want to lock them up. Let’s see why fans of The young should watch the new superhero series from Rapman (aka Andrew Onwubolu).

What is Supacell all about?

Since it came out, Supacell has consistently been in the top 10 TV shows on Netflix and has a perfect 100% critics score on RottenTomatoes, and it’s easy to see why. Supacell is about black Brits who suddenly find themselves endowed with superpowers. We follow five of them – Michael (Tosin Cole), Tazer (Josh Tedeku), Sabrina (Nadine Mills), Andre (Eric Kofi Abrefa) and Rodney (Calvin Demba) – as they discover for the first time that they have powers beyond their wildest dreams – or nightmares.

Michael, a delivery driver, is the first to learn he has an ability (time travel) when he suddenly travels into the future and meets himself. His future self tells him that his fiancée Dionne (Adelayo Adedayo) is going to die, but if he can round up the other four people Michael is fighting with, he can save her. As a result, Michael’s life revolves around finding Tazer, Sabrina, Andre and Rodney, people from very different walks of life that Michael doesn’t know.

A group of teenagers outside staring at something off screen in Supacell

The others deal with the revelation of their powers in different ways. Tazer, a gang member, uses his ability to become invisible to take out members of a rival gang with a knife. Sabrina uses her telekinesis to protect herself and her sister Sharleen (Rayxia Ojo) from the men who claim to love them. Andre uses his super strength to steal money from an ATM to hopefully get ahead and give his son AJ (Ky-Mani Carty) a better life at the same time. Rodney uses his super speed to make more money from the drugs he sells.

While Michael tries to recruit them to his cause, they all struggle with things in their own lives that make them hesitant to join him. After all, while these five may have superpowers, they aren’t superheroes… yet. But then a group of masked people with superpowers will come after them, and they’ll have no choice but to team up and fight them.

Supacell may be a superhero show, but the first season is like a prologue. This is clearly the first part of a much bigger story. The first six episodes show how these five superpowered people come together, but there is clearly more to the story, as seen in the scene where Michael travels to the future.


The individual main forces in Supacell, explained

Supacell is Netflix’s most exciting new series, thanks in large part to its high-energy take on the superhero genre. Here’s what you need to know.

How are The Boys and Supacell similar?

On its surface The young And Supacell seem to have nothing in common. The young is a satire that reflects modern concerns in a fantastic setting. Supacell is much more serious. The five characters don’t want superpowers and have to learn to appreciate those powers in their own way. Although these two shows have major differences, if you look closely you’ll see that they both have an interest in social commentary and approach that interest from fascinating angles..

The young deals with the current state of superhero media in general as well as our current political landscape. From the beginning, the show looked at superheroes from a different perspective than most media. Like the comics of the same name by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, the The young the series deals with corruption at the highest levels, in this case emanating from superheroes, particularly the greatest superhero of all, Homelander (Antony Starr).

“We just wanted to make a very realistic version of a superhero show where superheroes are celebrities who behave badly,” The young‘ showrunner Eric Kripke told the Hollywood Reporter. “When (Trump) was elected, we had a metaphor that said more about the world today. Suddenly we were telling a story about the intersection of celebrity and authoritarianism and how social media and entertainment are used to sell fascism.”


Wait, does Homelander have another son in The Boys?

In The Boys, Ryan is Homelander’s son, but another child may be the Supe’s offspring, which, if true, could cause unrest.

Turning illness into a superpower

Supacelldeals with real problems such as knife and gun violence and sickle cell anemia. The story of sickle cell anemia is particularly poignant because television and movies so rarely cover the disease that very few people know about it unless their family and friends are affected. Given that this disease affects people of African and Caribbean descent, there are whole swathes of people who know very little about it.

But in SupacellMichael’s mother struggles with the disease and the show depicts the pain and suffering that comes with it. Michael, who has a parent affected by sickle cell anemia but is not affected himself, is a “supacell.” That is, someone whose sickle cell anemia has mutated and who has developed superpowers instead.

“I never understood why there was a disease that primarily affected us (black people),” Rapman said in an interview for Netflix UK and Ireland. “So I said, ‘I want to do something that empowers black people and sheds light on sickle cell anemia.’ But at the same time, let’s turn it on its head and make it great. If I had sickle cell anemia, for example, it would be hard to live with, but I would live with it happily because I would know that my child would be exceptional.”

Nothing can keep up The young‘ specific tone, but who wants a lackluster copy? Supacell is the perfect addition as it subverts genre expectations and uses a fantastical world to address very grounded and real issues. Given the success of the first season, it is safe to assume that there will be a second season – and it will become a superhero glory, similar to The young.