
The product that JFK Jr. used to tame his famous curls

The product that JFK Jr. used to tame his famous curls

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When we think of John F. Kennedy Jr., many iconic images come to mind—his striking good looks, his impeccable ’90s style, and of course, his gorgeous, full head of hair. But according to his former assistant RoseMarie Terenzio, maintaining his famous hairstyle wasn’t as effortless as it seemed.

In an interview with People, Terenzio shared some fascinating details about her time with JFK Jr. One of the secrets she revealed was his dislike of his thick hair. Despite the public praise, John himself was not particularly fond of his thick mane.

“Everyone loves John’s hair, except John,” Terenzio said. “He would walk around the office trying to mattify his hair. And he would put Kiehl’s Silk Groom Creme ($26) in his hair and pat it smooth.”

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According to Terenzio, he also wore one of his “funny crazy hats” for the rest of the day to keep his hair in place.

Terenzio, who worked as an assistant to JFK Jr. for five years, also said that John had a shamrock tattoo on his back above his left shoulder blade. His stylish wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, was known for her love of vintage fashion and often found treasures at Cheap Jack’s, a thrift store on Eighth Street. Today, the couple’s unique style and personal taste continue to fascinate and inspire.