
A US congresswoman lost her voice due to illness – now her AI has given it back

A US congresswoman lost her voice due to illness – now her AI has given it back

U.S. Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) lost her voice due to Parkinson’s-like progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and relied on traditional text-to-speech tools with robotic voices. Thanks to ElevenLabs’ AI-powered voice cloning, she can now deliver speeches in her native voice despite the effects of PSP on her vocal abilities.

After Wexton used the robotic-sounding speech in the House of Representatives, ElevenLab reached out to Wexton’s staff. With Wexton’s approval, her team provided ElevenLabs with over an hour of audio clips from before her diagnosis. According to the congresswoman and her team, in just a few days, ElevenLabs successfully created a digital version of Wexton’s voice, capturing the cadence, tone and timbre that once characterized her speech. The new voice model was first demonstrated when Wexton spoke before the House Appropriations Committee, delivering a strikingly natural sound compared to her previous computer-generated voice.