
Lapid calls Netanyahu a “coward and failure” in Gaza war

Lapid calls Netanyahu a “coward and failure” in Gaza war

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid again attacks Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his failures.

  • Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid meets with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Capitol Hill in Washington on April 9, 2024 (AP)

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid said on Monday that the military, political and internal strength of the Israeli occupation was “crumbling and collapsing”.

In his speech to the Knesset, Lapid stressed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is aware of this reality and fears it, which is why he is “preventing the formation of an official investigative committee.”

Lapid did not hold back with criticism, claiming: “Netanyahu is not a victim, but a coward and a failure,” adding that the prime minister “only cares about himself and his own interests.”

A few days ago Army Radio Lapid was quoted as saying: “Israel must end the war, make a deal and return the prisoners.”

He further stressed: “Israel has always been against long wars because the army relies on reserve forces that are not suitable for this type of warfare.”

In addition, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed that a serious prisoner exchange deal is currently on the table in “Israel”.