
Podcasts discuss compliance in healthcare

Podcasts discuss compliance in healthcare

Check out the latest episode of the Stark Integrity podcast, hosted by Bob Wade, partner at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP in Nashville, and featuring healthcare industry professionals including James Rose of SunHawk Consulting.

Correlation theory vs. volume or value variation standard vs. volume or value determination standard

What was the Correlation Theory under Stark’s Law? In this episode, Wade explains what it was and how it differs from the Volume or Value Varying Standard and Volume or Value Determination Standard. Hear why the Correlation Theory is dead, when it can still be a valid theory, what to focus on regarding volume or value, what happened in the Bookwalter case, and some of the most common conspiracy theories and mathematical theories.

Click here to listen.

Next Generation Root Cause Analysis: A Conversation with James Rose of SunHawk Consulting

Crises happen all the time. In this episode, Wade talks to James Rose, Managing Director of SunHawk Consulting, about next-generation root cause analysis. Hear why you should never let a good crisis go to waste, how to follow up on near-disasters, how to look at root cause analysis from different angles, the background behind root cause analysis, and the biggest mistakes in Six Sigma analysis.

Click here to listen.

Documenting Surveillance Efforts: A Conversation with James Rose of SunHawk Consulting

Monitoring is a critical component of compliance. In this episode, Wade discusses documenting monitoring efforts with James Rose, Managing Director of SunHawk Consulting. Learn how to create an annual attestation of compliance, how to integrate controls and oversight into the organization, the difference between auditing and monitoring, where to start with monitoring, and the most common monitoring mistakes seen today.

Click here to listen.