
New Age | NATO at war against Russia

New Age | NATO at war against Russia

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US President Joe Biden corrects himself after inadvertently introducing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (right) as Russian President Vladimir Putin during the Ukraine Compact initiative on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington, DC, on July 11. | Agence France-Presse/Brendan SMialowski

The imperialist war alliance NATO is already at war with Russia. The war front is called Ukraine.

Soldiers and Generals

Soldiers and specialists, obviously military personnel, from a number of NATO countries are taking part in the war in Ukraine. They play different roles in supporting the Kiev regime. Generals from a number of NATO countries are involved in planning the war that the Kiev authorities are to wage. Satellites and other surveillance mechanisms from a number of NATO countries constantly provide the Ukrainian armed forces with information. The territories of a number of NATO countries are used by the Kiev army as training grounds and weapons depots. NATO is conducting open and incessant psychological operations against Russia. The imperialist military alliance’s supply of weapons to the Ukrainian armed forces and the financing of the Kiev regime’s day-to-day government activities, as well as sanctions against Russia, are an ongoing operation. There is no doubt that NATO is at war with Russia.

It’s war

Some of the war is being fought in secret, some in public. Elements of the war lead it to be called a hybrid war, although there is no reason for this term, as all wars have similar elements and phases depending on the strength of the warring parties. Moscow has reasons to call it a hybrid war, as the term war carries legal and other connotations, including diplomatic implications and obligations at home and abroad.

On the war front, the Ukrainian military has lost the strategic initiative. It is being pushed back by Russian fighters. There is talk of a possible collapse of the Ukrainian defense line, whatever it may be. Imperialist media, waging a propaganda war, part of a NATO psychological operation, are today repeatedly presenting facts that are bitter for NATO and Kiev supporters and that the Russians reported weeks and months ago.

Even one or two NATO or EU political and military leaders believe that: (1) there is no way to recapture the lost territories of the Kiev regime and defeat Russia; (2) sanctions against Russia will backfire; (3) war is not the ultimate means of subjugating Moscow, which many NATO and EU leaders vehemently rejected two years ago; and (4) negotiations with Moscow should be resumed.

But aggressive tones are being heard again and again. Military measures, including attacks on certain Russian territories, have been officially taken and are considered a new phase of the war. For a long time, the Kiev regime has attacked Russia’s interior with NATO weapons. But now this is a formal agreement of the Kiev rulers. Biden is now allowing Ukraine to attack targets deep inside Russia with long-range weapons from the Pentagon.

New global map of capital

With the Kiev rulers formally agreeing to attacks inside Russia, the question now arises: should NATO further escalate its war against Russia? There are many serious questions: where should the escalation lead? Should it mean deadly devastation for Europe, which is already sitting on a pile of failures in global competition? How will European capitals fit into the competitive map of emerging global capitals?

One day the head of state of a European country, obviously a NATO member, calls for sending soldiers to Ukraine to fight the Russians. The next day another head of state of another European country advises caution – not to send soldiers. And the next day the head of state does a U-turn. The smaller countries, Estonia, Latvia and the like, sound more belligerent in this war.

It reflects a tug-of-war between factions within the NATO camp: one faction is taking stock of the war, which overall appears to be a loss, while the other is trying to continue to profit from the war.


The question of adjustments within the imperialist world order has not yet been decided. Already, new elements within the order are exerting pressure on the order led by the imperialist power that still considers itself the only power on the planet. But beneath its feet the sand is shifting.

Politics of risk

THIS situation is dangerous for the entire planet and the answer to the question is still uncertain: does a part of global capital need a nuclear boom to maintain its dominance or to make adjustments in the world order, or will its parts manage to land softly? The imperialist camp is already resorting to confrontational politics as it enters a planetary danger zone.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Zelensky accused China of helping Russia disrupt a peace conference on the war in Ukraine organized by Switzerland. Ironically, Russia was not invited to the peace meeting. The conference produced nothing, not even a stream of propaganda. The ploy failed.

Farooque Chowdhury writes from Dhaka. The article, which was published in Frontier, the independent socialist weekly newspaper from Calcutta, in Volume 56, No. 51, Issue 16-22 June 2024, has been slightly modified.