
Fucked Up release new song “Divining Gods”

Fucked Up release new song “Divining Gods”

Fucked Up have released another single from their upcoming album Another daythe continuation of last year’s Once. “Divining Gods” follows previous tracks “Stimming” and the title track. Listen to it below.

Speaking of route:

Like all songs on Another Day that are somehow connected to their counterpart on One Day, Diving Gods is the continuation of the conversation that began with “Nothing’s Immortal.” While the first song was about losing faith in an idol, Diving Gods questions whether it is even necessary to create idols.

As religion plays a diminishing role in our society, this spiritual void has been filled by the fanatical, unconditional worship of idols. And this doesn’t just apply to the grandiose greatness of cultural superstars; even in punk there is a tendency to elevate our musical heroes to superhuman greatness. But when people put other people on pedestals, it rarely works well.

People will disappoint us, just as we will disappoint people. It is human to fail to live up to expectations. Where are the godless worshippers? New gods are found and new churches are built for them, only to be burned down again one day. The void is constantly being emptied and filled. It almost seems as if things have a natural cyclical nature.

Another day is scheduled to be released on August 9th.