
Official trailer for the Dutch action thriller “The Forgotten Battle” about the Second World War

Official trailer for the Dutch action thriller “The Forgotten Battle” about the Second World War

Official trailer for the Dutch action thriller “The Forgotten Battle” about the Second World War

by Alex Billington
July 15, 2024
Source: Youtube

Trailer for “The Forgotten Battle”

“Head down, Dutchman.” Epic Pictures Group has released the official US trailer for a Dutch-German production called The forgotten battlean action thriller about a major battle in the Netherlands from WWII. The film is set to be released on VOD in the US starting in August this summer, but will not be released in theaters. It is 1944, during WWII. The Allies have taken the port of Antwerp, but the Germans still control the Scheldt estuary. A British glider pilot, a Dutch boy fighting on the German side, and a Dutch resistance fighter all get caught up in the Battle of the Scheldt. Their choices are different, but their goal is the same: freedom. Their decisions will shape destinies and affect not only their own freedom, but that of others. Cast Gijs Blom, Jamie FlattersAnd Susan Radder. This film already released in the Netherlands and most of Europe in 2021, had its debut online, and will soon be released online in the US. It looks like it has some properly filmed WWII action without cutting corners like most action films do. Worth a watch.

Official US trailer (+ poster) for Matthijs van Heijningen Jr.’s The forgotten battlefrom YouTube:

Poster “The Forgotten Battle”

September 1944, World War II. The Allies have captured the port of Antwerp, but the Germans still control the Scheldt estuary, preventing supplies from reaching Antwerp and Allied forces. The island of Walcheren is central to German defense. Operation Market Garden is launched, hoping to advance directly into Germany from Arnhem in Holland. A glider from this operation is forced to make an emergency landing on Walcheren, and a handful of British soldiers are left trapped behind enemy lines. Meanwhile, a Dutch teenager accidentally kills three Germans, setting off a tragic chain of events. Among the German troops is a Dutch soldier who now begins to question where his loyalties lie. The forgotten battle Directed by the Dutch filmmaker Matthijs van Heijningen Jr.his first real feature film after many short films and videos before it. Screenplay by Paula van der Oest; co-written by Pauline van Mantgem and Reinier Smit and Matthijs van Heijningen Jr.; story by Paula van der Oest and Jesse Maiman. Producer is Alain De Levita. Epic Pictures will debut The forgotten battle Direct-to-VOD starts in the USA 6 August 2024 this summer. Did anyone care?


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