
Witnesses say woman at Taylor Kroger fired shots after fight in parking lot – The News Herald

Witnesses say woman at Taylor Kroger fired shots after fight in parking lot – The News Herald

A dispute over a near-miss between a driver backing out of a parking space at the Taylor Kroger and another driver backing into a parking space ended in a fight between two women, during which a shot may have been fired.

Police stormed the Kroger store (7000 Monroe Blvd.) on Tuesday afternoon after someone at the scene reported hearing a gunshot just as the altercation ended and a woman was leaving the property.

According to Taylor Police Lt. Frank Canning, the group that left the square before police arrived included a woman driving a newer model silver Cadillac.

He said she was the driver who was reversing out of a parking space.

Canning did not have a description of the other vehicle, but said the driver of the Cadillac was white and she was the only passenger in the car.