
In memory of the Polish singer Maria Koterbska – English part

In memory of the Polish singer Maria Koterbska – English part

The unveiling coincided with the centenary of the Koterbskawas born on July 13, 1924 in Bielsko-Biała.

The monument is located in front of the Polski Theater is a life-size statue of the singer in an evening dress holding a bouquet of roses. It is the work of local artist Lidia Sztwiertnia.

Koterbska’s son, actor Roman Frankl, was deeply moved during the unveiling ceremony and said that his mother “never acted like a star, but was a normal, calm person.”

He added that the entrance to the Polish Theatre was a perfect place for the monument. “That is where my mother made her debut as a dancer and actress”, Frankl told the media.

The mayor of Bielsko-Biała, Jarosław Klimaszewski, said local residents would be forever grateful to Koterbska for promoting the city during her tours around the world.

Koterbska was one of Poland’s legendary singers of the post-war period and enjoyed enormous popularity, especially in the 1950s and 1960s.

Her repertoire included over 1,500 songs, many of which became national hits. As a member of the comedy troupe Wagabunda, she toured the UK and the USA, performing for Polish communities.

She recorded several records and appeared in two feature films.

Koterbska’s awards included the Officer’s Cross of the Poland Restituta command and that Gloria Artis Gold Medal for Cultural Merit.

She died on January 18, 2021 at the age of 96 in Bielsko-Biała.
