
Misconduct of an official of the Nihon University Weightlifting Club discovered

Misconduct of an official of the Nihon University Weightlifting Club discovered

The school seal of Nihon University is pictured in Tokyo, Japan.

Tokyo (Jiji Press) – A senior official at Nihon University’s weightlifting club is accused of fraudulently collecting admission fees and other fees from students who joined the club and embezzling most of the money, the private Japanese university said.

The university had uncovered the misconduct during its investigation into another case.

Work to determine the total damage is being accelerated while legal action against the senior official, such as filing a criminal complaint, is being considered.

The case came on the heels of a series of problems at Nihon University, including a dangerous tackle and a drug scandal at its American football club, and a breach of trust involving former university leaders. However, the university has implemented reform measures in the wake of these incidents.

According to the university, the senior official of the weightlifting club collected full entrance and tuition fees from the club’s first-year scholarship students, who were exempted from paying all or part of the fees, by giving false representations to their parents and guardians that the exemptions would only begin in the second year.

The official was involved in the scheme for ten years until last year and used most of the fraudulently obtained money for private purposes.

The official admitted misconduct during the university’s investigation.

“We deeply apologize to the students and their guardians involved,” the university said, noting that the weightlifting club was allowed to continue its activities because the students were not to blame for the incident.