
3 zodiac signs will find true love on June 22, 2024

3 zodiac signs will find true love on June 22, 2024

During the transit, Moon opposite Venus, on June 22, 2024, three zodiac signs will be able to see that falling in love and finding the “right” person is easier than we thought. Our astrological weather forecast predicts “kindness” and “welcoming situations” for this period, and we might find that maybe that’s all we really need.

What we will experience this Saturday is that we will be in the right place at the right time and, more importantly, our attitude will also be in the right frame of mind. We will not judge the people around us or try to see the negative side of anything. This is how the Moon opposite Venus works. It makes us realize that if we can change the way we perceive others, we may actually see someone we can fall in love with.

Because our attitude is so good and open today, we become magnetic and attractive to the kind of charisma we want in a person. This allows us to fall in love with someone and find true love with that person. Three signs can put aside all prejudices and ideals at this point so that true love can flow.

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Thanks to the moon and Venus, three zodiac signs can find their true love on June 22, 2024:

1. Aries

The 3 zodiac signs that will find their true love on June 22, 2024 R-Designs Creatives, Ni Luh Purnamawati, Artulina | Canva Pro

In the past, you let your ideals dictate your ideas about love and romance. You set up an ideal that was your box; you were unwilling to date anyone who didn’t fit into your parameters. This caused you to fail to some extent when it came to love and relationships. You wanted the impossible, and you’ll find that’s no longer the case.

Why? Because you’ve changed, Aries. You’ve realized that you’ve deprived yourself of true love simply because you clung to ideals and perfection. On Saturday, you’ll meet someone who defies all your ideals, and guess what? You’ll fall in love with that person; they’ll be your true love.

During the transit of the Moon opposite Venus, you can put aside your list of what must be in a person and just experience the person as they are. This is the best thing you can do for yourself. It shows you that you can be genuinely loved and adored by someone who really reaches out to you of their own accord. You break conventions and you are happy to see that true love is definitely “a thing.”

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2. Lion

The 3 zodiac signs that will find their true love on June 22, 2024 R-Designs Creatives, Ni Luh Purnamawati, Artulina | Canva Pro

You always thought about finding your true love and living happily ever after. On some level, you really believed in such a thing. Why not? Why not create a reality for yourself that is so sublime and divine? Yet life has not always been that way for you, which has given you cause for doubt.

That’s why on Saturday, June 22, when the Moon is in opposition to Venus, you’ll be pleasantly surprised because you’ll meet someone completely new to you and absolutely intrigued. What starts as a simple introduction quickly turns into the two of you realizing how incredibly well you’re suited to each other, and that turns into true love.

And so it finally happens, Leo. This Saturday, you can meet someone to spend the rest of your life with if that’s what you want. It’s hard to accept that sometimes our wishes come true, as we have been nurturing them as wishes for so long that we are shocked when they come true. And yet, here you are: the Moon opposite Venus has brought you your true love. What will you do about it, Leo?

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3. Aquarius

    The 3 zodiac signs that will find their true love on June 22, 2024 R-Designs Creatives, Ni Luh Purnamawati, Artulina | Canva Pro

Your true love is someone who has lived far away from you, as a soulmate or twin flame. You have known about this person’s existence for a long time, and you also knew until now that the timing just wasn’t right. Moon opposite Venus means for you that now is the right time, and you and this other person will be put in the same place at the same time, without either of you having to do anything.

This is no coincidence, Aquarius. The Universe is doing its best to show you that “it’s time.” During the Moon’s transit opposite Venus, it’s easy to understand that time is of the essence and that when a situation like the one you’ll experience on Saturday can occur, it’s up to you to pull it off. This is where you’ll literally meet your true love.

Even though it may be scary and feel like an epic fairytale, you know it’s true, and you feel like it’s destiny. So, go for it. The universe presents true love to you on a silver platter. The rest of us presents it to you and that other person. If it’s meant to be, there’s no other way. Let the love flow, Aquarius. Be there. Experience true love the way you thought it would be for you.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.