
Israel declares that the phase of intensive war is over and says it has turned to new targets

Israel declares that the phase of intensive war is over and says it has turned to new targets

According to military correspondent Hillel Bitton Rosen, there is currently “no official statement from any political or military source on this matter.”

  • Destroyed buildings in the Gaza Strip, seen from southern occupied Palestine, Sunday, July 14, 2024 (AP Photo

Israel Broadcasting Channel 14 quoted a senior Israeli security official as saying on Sunday that the intensive phase of military operations in the Gaza Strip had ended and the regime had moved on to the third phase of the war.

According to military correspondent Hillel Bitton Rosen, there is currently “no official statement from any political or military source on this matter.”

Rosen clarified that the transition to the third phase means “conducting focused and precise incursions based on intelligence requirements, conducting shorter maneuvers, and reducing the length of stay of Army units.”

This phase “could last months or even years,” they added.

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This announcement comes against the backdrop of the war in Rafah, after Israeli forces destroyed large parts of Gaza’s infrastructure and killed nearly 40,000 Gaza civilians.

The Israeli military claimed it was launching a war against Hamas, but this sudden withdrawal without the need for a ceasefire agreement or prisoner exchange suggests that its motives were precisely to inflict maximum harm on the civilian population.

Since the beginning of the war, the Israeli side has stubbornly refused to reach an agreement, and many of the prisoners who have died in the last nine months have died as a result of the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza by “Israel”.

The Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip has exacerbated this humanitarian catastrophe.

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Meanwhile, the situation on the Lebanese border remains tense as exchanges of fire between both sides continue.

On July 10, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah stated that the objectives of depleting the enemy’s economy, workforce and social fabric were being achieved, which would ultimately force the Israeli occupation forces to stop their aggression against Gaza.

Avigdor Lieberman, a member of the Knesset and former security minister of the Israeli occupation forces, warned earlier today that the organization “could cease to exist” in two years due to the current situation.