
This underrated fantasy series found the Voldemort story that Harry Potter should have told

This underrated fantasy series found the Voldemort story that Harry Potter should have told


  • Misfits and Magic offers a captivating reinterpretation of Voldemort with more complex character development than in Harry Potter.
  • Evan Kelmp’s story subverts Voldemort’s one-dimensional villainy and shows real growth and self-acceptance.
  • The humorous and critical contrast to Harry Potter in “Misfits and Magic” underlines the potential for more nuanced character arcs.

Dimensions 20‘s comedic riff on Harry Potter has a Dark Lord storyline that is far more compelling than the Voldemort storyline. Dropouts TTRPG series, Dimensions 20 functions largely as an anthology, jumping back and forth between stories from season to season. While some characters and locations from previous installments of the series revisit, there is a rotating cast that joins in on one-off “side quests,” which are usually extensions of previous seasons or well-known media archetypes. The best seasons of Dimensions 20 is “Misfits and Magic”, which delves into a world that clearly resembles the magical world of Hogwarts and Harry Potter.

The elements of Harry Potter The series deliberately targets the inherently evil archetype of the “Dark Lord.” Harry PotterVoldemort is a straightforward villain with no good qualities, his dark powers and isolated upbringing making him a memorable (if one-dimensional) threat. “Misfits and Magic” subverts Voldemort’s lack of a real character arc by giving its interpretation of the character a far more compelling storyline. It underscores the season’s central themes and provides many hilarious (and critical) contrasts to Harry Potter. Here is how Dimensions 20 makes fun of Voldemort and improves him.


This Dungeons & Dragons series would be the perfect replacement for Amazon’s Vox Machina

The success of Prime Video’s Critical Role adaptation, The Legend of Vox Machina, shows how successful an animated Dimension 20 would be.

“Misfits & Magic” perfectly undermines Harry Potter’s Voldemort

Dimensions 20Evan Kelmp successfully connects Voldemort’s fate with Harry’s character development

Dimension 20 Evan Kelmp

Cast of “Misfits and Magic” from Dimension 20


Abria Iyengar

Game Master/NPCs

Erika Ishii

Karen Keiko Tanaka (aka Dream, K)

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Evan Kelmp

Danielle Radford

Samantha Butler (aka Sam)

Louise Wilson

Whitney Jammer

Dimensions 20Season 10, “Misfits and Magic,” has a hilarious nod to Voldemort that explores the narrative potential of giving the Dark Lord a character arc like Evan Kelmp. The season focuses on four average American teenagers — athletic Jammer, internet influencer Sam, goth freak Dream, and quiet wanderer Evan — who are accepted into the Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts. The series is an obvious parody of the Harry Potter Imagery and styleand even plays a meta-level of comedy, as the characters refer to Harry Potter in the universe (and reveals that the magical world has never heard of it).

The entire cast is wonderful, but the highlight is Evan Kelmp. Played by Brennan Lee Mulligan, Evan is isolated from the world almost out of necessity. A shy and anxious teenager with low self-esteem, Evan also involuntarily hosts a malevolent mystical entity that grants him absurd power. He resists this status as a supposedly fated “Dark King” at every turnin direct contrast to the naturally evil development of Tom Riddle to Voldemort in Harry Potter. This shows the true strength of the character and gives her a complex and lovable story that elevates her beyond being a parody.

Dimension 20 gives her Voldemort a really sweet story arc

How the “Dark Lord” grows as a person in “Misfits And Magic”

Dimension 20 Burning Lee Mulligan Outsiders and Magic

While each of the “Pilot Program” students gets exciting storylines in “Misfits and Magic”, Evan ends up with the one that most closely resembles the source material he is making fun of. Evan is given the chance to validate his own mind and finally form bonds with people who aren’t put off by his abilities, allowing him to grow beyond the frustrated teenager he initially was. While he freaks out in the first episode, Evan becomes more controlled and capable as the series progresses. This is all due to the realistic friendships he develops and the impact they have on him.

Evan has a lot in common with Harry Potter in his series of the same name. Both are plagued by insecurities and fears about their potential. Both grow through the love and acceptance of others, and the affirmation of these bonds ultimately gives them a power that their dark counterparts cannot overcome. However, Evan is much more open (and hilarious) about this character trait, showing how this love keeps him from becoming a “Dark Lord” and the real danger of his potential depravity gives his growth real meaning. It’s a really strong story, and more compelling than Voldemort’s story arc.

How Dimension 20 turns several Harry Potter characters against (and alongside) Evan

Evans growth contrasts with the harder parts of the wizarding world

Dimension 20 Outsiders and Magical Art 2

Evans’ strength as a character is partly based on the parts of Harry Potter Parody that becomes more critical of the books and films. The world building of “Misfits and Magic” undermines and twists the world of Harry Potter at several points. The season is openly critical of the practice of putting children into houses based on their personality, comparing it to being sorted into schools. “Misfits and Magic” openly confronts inherent issues of bigotry. Evan and the other three “NAMP” students (which draws attention to Harry Potters chaotic handling of insult comments) confronts the generally accepted prejudices of the wizarding world.

Evan and the rest of the cast get the chance to confront teachers and students who view change and non-magical ideas as worthless. This plays into one of the story’s most empathetic storylines, which focuses on Evan’s bond with school nurse David Stitchnit. He has a transgender daughter and shows greater understanding than anyone else in the magical world. Stitchnit brings a gentle and meaningful understanding to the show that helps Evan find a level of self-acceptanceIt complements his story arc and makes it seem more powerful and personal than anything Voldemort has done in Harry Potter.

Dimension 20 proves that Voldemort could have been redeemed

Evans Arc In Dimensions 20 Highlights the importance of love and friendship

Voldemort is not necessarily a complicated character in Harry Potter Movies or movies. Although his origins have tragic elements, Tom Riddle in his youth and Voldemort in his prime are portrayed as an indispensable force, a prescient figure who overcomes death through gruesome murders. This fits well into the typically morally strict world of Harry Potterrooted in a heroic fantasy coming-of-age story. Evan is more convincing for effectively linking the guilt and self-doubt that plague Harry throughout much of the series with the real power of a feared Dark Lord.

It gives more meaning to Evans’ outbursts and contributes to the character’s overall development into a more confident character. Voldemort’s story is exciting but monotonous, while Evans’ place in the main cast of “Misfits and Magic” allows him to take center stage in an exciting way. Even if characters like Voldemort would still become monstrous villains, a tragic story arc with the depth of Evan Kelmp would make them more complex and compelling characters. Making Tom Riddle purely evil from a young age makes him boring and takes away the potential for the strong story arc that Evan comes into. Dimensions 20.