
The movie Zack Snyder made because he couldn’t make The Dark Knight Rises, Sin City

The movie Zack Snyder made because he couldn’t make The Dark Knight Rises, Sin City

Zack Snyder’s films have always been a topic of discussion among their fans whenever they come out. While his modern films have caused controversy, everyone agrees that he is a great visual filmmaker who has his own distinctive style and flair. His contributions to the DC Universe have been highly praised by loyal fans.

Zack Snyder recently shot “Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver” | Netflix
Zack Snyder recently directed Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scar Giver Possible Netflix attacks

Snyder is also an avid comic book lover and has written some of the best comic book series of all time. The director is a huge fan of Frank Miller’s works and wanted to adapt many of them for the big screen. He completely succeeded in doing so with 2006’s “The Last Man.” 300 This was an adaptation of one of Miller’s most famous comics.

300 Was Zack Snyder’s ultimate love letter to Frank Miller

Zack Snyder's 300 stayed very true to Frank Miller's illustrations in his comic | Warner Bros
Zack Snyder’s 300 was very faithful to Frank Miller’s illustrations in his original comic | Warner Bros

Before his time in the DC Universe, Zack Snyder made films that captivated audiences with his epic and bombastic approach to fantastic concepts. His first film Dawn of the Dead brought a certain excitement and energy to the zombie apocalypse genre. With 300, Guardian, And Sucker Punch, The director was aiming for an even bigger project with the support of Warner Bros.

300 was a film he wanted to make because he was impressed by Frank Miller’s original comic book series and the many visually stunning illustrations in it. Snyder eventually got the rights to the book and was able to realize one of his dream projects. However, it wasn’t the only Miller comic he wanted to adapt.

In an interview with Letterboxd, Snyder revealed that he was Miller’s Sin City And The Dark Knight Returns along with 300However, he was only allowed 300 making it a perfect adaptation and a love letter to Miller. man of Steel Director said,

…And then I did 300, which I had been working on because I’m a huge Frank Miller fan. I’m a fan of Dark Knight Returns and 300 was the book I could get my hands on. I wanted to do Sin City, I wanted to do Dark Knight Returns and I love 300, so I did it as a love letter to Frank Miller.

Miller’s Sin City was adapted into the 2005 hit film of the same name, which was very popular with audiences. Snyder still wants to passionately The Dark Knight Returns and recently announced that it was the only project that would make him return to DC. 300 was a hit, grossing $456 million on a $65 million budget (via Box Office Mojo). It is arguably the most famous work of his career.

Simon Pegg has a particular problem with Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead

A still from Dawn of The Dead | Universal Pictures
A still image from Dawn of the Dead | Universal images

Zack Snyder’s debut as a filmmaker was in 2004 with Dawn of the Deada remake of the 1978 film of the same name, directed by George A. Romero. The film showcased Snyder’s abilities as a director and he made a very confident debut. However, actor Simon Pegg hates one aspect of the film.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Pegg said he was a huge fan of Snyder’s film. However, he was annoyed that Snyder used Romero’s title. Impossible mission Star believes that not changing the title was disrespectful to the original film. He said:

I’ve always been annoyed with Zack Snyder’s remake of Dawn of the Dead, it’s a great movie. It’s really exciting. But I hated the fact that they called it Dawn of the Dead, because that was George’s movie. They could have called it Deadish, which was a great line in the movie that one of the actors used, and it still would have been a great movie.

Pegg also directed his own zombie apocalypse film with a similar title Shaun of the Dead the same year. Both films were critical and box office successes and reinvigorated the genre in new and exciting ways.

Fans can watch/rent Snyder’s films Dawn of the Dead And 300 on Prime Video.