
Starfield may be cutting out the graphic storyline, but fans wanted the shock effect

Starfield may be cutting out the graphic storyline, but fans wanted the shock effect

StarfieldThe name alone evokes magnificent visions of space exploration, exciting encounters on distant planets and a narrative as comprehensive as the universe itself. The excitement leading up to Bethesda’s latest release was undeniable, fueled by years of anticipation and the studio’s reputation for creating engaging and expansive RPGs.

However, some fans were disappointed with the performance and certain design decisions. One missing element that has recently sparked controversy has been the absence of violence, leaving some fans with the impression that the combat is strangely whitewashed compared to Bethesda’s other games.

Starfield’s launch challenges and fan speculation

Promo artwork for “Starfield”
Starfield was one of the most anticipated games of the decade. Image credit: Bethesda

After Starfield When the ambitious concept was launched, it was marred by technical difficulties. Many players Bugs, malfunctions and performance Problems with their first experiences.

In addition, certain design decisions, such as the exclusion of features from previous Bethesda games, have led fans to believe that Starfield did not correspond to the revolutionary experience they had expected. A noticeable missing element in the game was the absence of blood.

Fans who are used to the brutal violence of Bethesda’s Stand out Series found StarfieldThe fighting spirit of is lacking in comparison. This feeling was further reinforced by a detail recently discovered in the game that hints at a potentially darker path not taken.

UC prison guard at risk of suicide
byu/giberonic inStarfield

Attentive players discovered an intriguing anomaly aboard the spaceship UC Vigilance. In the ship’s prison sits Armin, a seemingly desperate guard. When presented with concrete evidence, players noticed a unique animation: Armin reached into a hidden drawer to retrieve a weapon.

This animation, combined with Armin’s dejected demeanor, led some to believe that he was originally intended to be treated more drastically. Did Bethesda plan a more mature, morally dubious plot that was later toned down?

Was Armin’s possible suicide a narrative element that was deemed too shocking for the overall tone of the game? The lack of a definitive answer fuels fan theories and the ongoing debate about Starfields lack of brutality.

Balancing violence and exploration in Starfield

Screenshot from the game “Starfield”
The fact that the game is not too bloody could be a conscious decision. Image credit: Bethesda

The discussion about the inclusion of gore in the game is partly fueled by comparisons with Stand out. Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic role-playing games are known for their explicit violence, which includes dismemberment, blood splatter, and intense fights.

Some players believe that this level of detail is crucial to creating an immersive world in the game.

byu/awareunlikeu from the discussion

However, some may argue that excessive bloodshed could detract from the story and gameplay experience. The game’s emphasis on exploration and appeal to a wider audience could benefit from a less obvious approach.

by u/awareunlikeu in Starfield

The debate about Gore in Starfield reflects the evolving landscape of video games and player preferences. While some players want a more immersive experience, others value a greater focus on exploration.

The revelation of a potentially excluded suicide scene in the game adds another dimension to the conversation and encourages players to speculate about the darker elements of Starfields Universe. Whether official updates or fan-made mods Whether the game will offer a more explicit experience remains uncertain.

Nevertheless, it is clear that the debate over the depiction of violence in the game is still ongoing. As players delve deeper into the game, the question of how much violence should be included remains a topic of debate.

Do you think the game should have more blood and darker storylines? Let us know in the comments below!